Thursday, March 1, 2012

Some of the Top Possible Side Effects of Under Eye Cream

A lot of individuals are being made miserable by the ugly dark circles under eyes, whether brought about by insufficient sleep or any other reason. Dark circles under eyes can definitely make you seem tired, and worse, it will hinder you in maintaining your best look. Under eye cream products will be able to lessen these dark circles’ effects, but similar with other treatments, these can also give you several side effects. In general, these side effects of an under eye cream are dependent on the major ingredients used on the product.

Skin Sensitivity

An under eye cream for dark circles are usually mixed with the eye wrinkle cream, and might also contain numerous mild acid types that can produce burning sensation, particularly on your sensitive eye area. To avoid this, make sure that you go through all the manufacturer instructions and ingredients carefully since a few of them might indicate that the mild burning might already be a sign that the cream is actually working.


Hydroquinone is a type of bleaching agent that is being used for skin bleaches for diminishing appearances of age spots, freckles, dark circles under eyes and acne spots. Experts say that when not used properly based on the prescription or recommendation, hydroquinone might actually cause hypo and hyper pigmentation. These are actually skin discolorations that are almost permanent, and it is advised that any skin treated using hydroquinone must be sunscreen covered before exposure.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is another famous principal ingredient used in under eye cream meant for dark circles under eyes since it is believed to repair the blood vessels that cause dark pigmentation. Experts are actually divided when it comes to vitamin K’s effectiveness when this is used topically and taken orally. In some rare instances, there were individuals who claimed to have an allergic reaction due to vitamin K. These reactions are commonly limited to people who take vitamin K as injection or their supplement, much rarer when applied topically.


Retinol is one type of vitamin A derivative being included in most under eye cream products for combating aging, which include treatment of dark circles under eyes. There were reports, however, which state that retinol can result to irritation, although your skin might adjust to this and make the irritation stop. There were users who switched to using the product every two nights for preventing any irritation.

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